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Plant Protectant Pilot Program

The Arlington Heights Park District is implementing a pilot program to incorporate natural and organic maintenance practices in the management of park spaces. This pilot program will be implemented at Greenbrier Park, where pesticides will not be used. The success of this program may potentially lead to the expansion of this management plan to other parks in the future.

By adopting this program, the Park District is further aligning with its mission of environmental stewardship. The District joins a group of other Illinois agencies that have already implemented some pesticide-free park maintenance programs.

A pesticide-free park is one that is maintained using natural lawn care principles. This approach combines sustainable practices and natural products to promote a healthy relationship between plants and soil. As a result, lawns become naturally more resistant to weeds, insects, and diseases without the need for synthetic chemicals or fertilizers.

The fundamentals of natural lawn care involve the following:

  • Ensuring that the grass is mowed at a higher height to prevent weed growth.
  • Conducting aeration to alleviate soil compaction and enhance the growth of grass roots.
  • Selecting the appropriate grass seed type specifically tailored to adapt to the local climate and conditions of the planting area.
  • Utilizing organic fertilizers to enhance soil structure and subsequently foster a robust and healthy lawn.
  • Watering the lawn with an adequate amount of 1 inch per week to promote the development of strong and deep roots, while also deterring pests.
Arlington Heights Park District

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